The HALO Effect is a spinoff television series on Nickelodeon, hosted by Sydney Park. The series highlights teenage activists who were not only making positive changes in their communities, but also inspiring others to do the same. HALO, otherwise known as Helping and Leading Others, is an initiative that was built upon Nickelodeon's HALO Awards, an annual concert event honoring young community leaders with a grant for their organization and scholarship funds.

In 2021, The HALO Effect was rereleased on the Paramount+ streaming service. With the challenge of a limited amount of past design assets, the goal was to reinvent and bring new energy to the series by refreshing the overall visuals. My role in the project was to develop new concepts and create the primary key art.

  • Client

    Nickelodeon / Paramount+

  • Deliverables

    Key Art / Branding / Illustration / Digital Design

  • Photo Retouching by Cesar Capasso

The creative direction was inspired by each episode that featured a story of a teen trying to make a difference by addressing issues such as poverty, bullying, and environmental struggles. As a way to represent each individual good deed, bright colors and floating bubbly icons were included throughout the layout. Each icon serves as a visual element to help drive the uplifting theme of helping hands, local outreach, and overall love for the communities that were highlighted.